Years of experience

Metal scrap is the best source of raw materials

The utilization of metal scrap has been long recognized as a valuable source of raw materials. It is comprised of discarded metallic items such as appliances, vehicles, and machinery. The eco-friendly practice of repurposing or recycling metal scrap reduces the environmental impact of extracting virgin metals from ores and conserves natural resources. Moreover, it offers a convenient and economical alternative to extractive industries that conserves energy and water, while mitigating land disturbance, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. Industries that rely on metal, such as construction, automotive, and infrastructure, recognize the importance of metal scrap in promoting sustainable development. Recycling millions of tons of metal worldwide contributes to a circular economy, benefiting present and future generations. Given these benefits, metal scrap is an excellent opportunity for the planet and the economy.

Good scrap practices - ecodesign

Scrap is becoming an increasingly important component in manufacturing processes as companies seek to minimize waste and optimize costs.

Material Selection

Prioritize materials that are easily recyclable and have a well-established recycling infrastructure.

Design for Disassembly

Use standardized connectors and fasteners to simplify the dismantling process.


Maximize the recyclability of products by avoiding complex material combinations that are challenging to separate and recycle.

Closed-Loop Systems

Design products with the aim of creating closed-loop systems where materials are recycled and reused within the same product or system.

Collaboration with Recyclers

Design products with input from recyclers to ensure compatibility with existing recycling systems.

Life Cycle Assessment

Conduct a life cycle assessment to evaluate the environmental impact of a product from raw material extraction to end-of-life recycling.


Ecodesign for scrap metals involves designing products and systems with the goal of minimizing their environmental impact throughout their entire life cycle, including the production, use, and end-of-life stages.

Nordic designed flat
Liquid Molten Steel Industry. Casting, melting, molding and foundry.
Modern industry equipment at factory manufacture background
Modern buildings at Porta Nuova in Milan: Bosco Verticale

Ecodesign Stages

Ecodesign is a process to make products and services that don’t harm the environment. It has stages that involve figuring out how a product impacts the environment and setting goals to make it better. When designing the product or service, things like how well it works, how long it lasts and whether the materials and manufacturing process are eco-friendly are taken into account. Then, the product or service is checked to see how well it does and how much it affects the environment. Any ways to make it better are then carried out and it’s checked again. Doing this means companies can make things that are both good for the environment and make money.

Ecodesign in Recycling

Ecodesign and recycling are two closely linked concepts that aim to reduce environmental impact. Ecodesign involves designing products with sustainability in mind, while recycling turns waste into new products to minimize landfill use. Designed-for-recycling products facilitate the recycling process, making it more efficient. Together, ecodesign and recycling promote a sustainable future by reducing waste, preserving resources, and protecting the environment.
Blank white drawing canvas on mint colored surface with palm, home plants and soft floral shadows.

From concept to implementation

Ecodesign incorporates scrap metal to promote sustainability by reducing waste and preserving the environment. This method reduces the use of virgin materials and the amount of waste sent to landfills while giving new life to materials that would otherwise be discarded. It is an effective way to protect the planet for future generations.




Do you want to work with us?

It’s important that we collaborate to use metal sustainably and protect the environment. If we don’t, the consequences could be severe. We can all contribute by recycling, reducing metal use, and supporting eco-friendly mining and production. Let’s make responsible metal use a top priority!